The MarketFarm provides marketing strategy and know-how – with an emphasis on the use of content – to help organizations reach their communities and get results.
We specialize in serving:
- Businesses that operate in a business-to-business environment
- Small and mid-size non-profits
- Independent media organizations
More than a consultancy, smaller than an agency, we assess your needs and serve them – simply, clearly and cost-effectively. We work as a strategic partner in long-term relationships or on a project basis – whichever is right for you.
Our DNA is in media: journalism and content, visual design, sales, audience development, customer service and operations. It’s a unique set of skills that’s perfect for today’s marketing world. We can help with your branding, social media, website, audience targeting, advertising, collateral materials, even internal communications.
If you need content, we can develop it; if you have content, we can help you leverage it.
Most important, we can help with your story – identifying and communicating the “it” that makes your business or organization unique, to help people understand what you do best and attract those who value it most.
Bob Rosenbaum
Bob Rosenbaum has more than 30 years experience in media, marketing and communication strategy.
As a reporter and editor, he specialized in business coverage and was honored with more than 25 regional and national journalism awards.
He was involved early with the Internet; way back in 1996 he launched a pay-for-content online newsletter for home-based businesses, which he now describes as “under-staffed, under-capitalized, under-marketed and a premature business model – but otherwise a pretty good little business.” He has since been involved in the development and management of multiple online sites and products.
A skilled writer, speaker, team leader and strategist, he most enjoys working with small organizations because of their flexibility and clarity in goals.
A graduate of Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, he is a former president of The Press Club of Cleveland. Before starting the MarketFarm in 2009 he served in roles that included media sales rep, publisher and group publisher. He has worked in daily, weekly and monthly news cycles serving consumer and business-to-business audiences. He is co-author of Supply Chain Excellence, a methodology for managing supply chains that is now in its third edition and has been translated into five languages for use worldwide.
More detail is available on his LinkedIn profile.
Barb Rosenbaum
A visual communications professional for over 15 years, Barb Rosenbaum’s background in marketing and sales drives her design instincts. What does that mean? Great design does more than look good; it moves through the the eyes and into the brain, driving the desired behavior and results.
For 9 years before joining The MarketFarm, Barb was the creative force behind visual marketing communications for the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Managing a high volume of work at a fast pace, her ability to keep the brand fresh and influence perceptions about the institution made her work stand out.
Her work influences readership, click-throughs and purchases, and makes complicated concepts easier to understand. Barb leaves her ego at the door because she knows strategic communication is a relationship-based discipline built on trust, integrity and collaboration.
Her clients have included manufacturers, retailers, schools, a range of non-profit organizations, along with the occasional artisanal goat-cheese producer.
Strengths include identity and branding, brochures, sales literature, direct mail solicitations, invitations, annual reports, outdoor advertising, print and digital advertising, electronic news templates, web graphics, and magazine layout and design.
Whether you need a business card, a bus wrap or a banner the size of your building, Barb knows where to start.